This video shows how world bosses work, from a Amani Point of View.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
TERA: Aman vs Raid Boss Movie (Closed Beta 2)
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Tera Online Guide Goes Online
Looking for a good Tera leveling guide? Well, you’re in luck and your search ends here. In this blog post I will be writing about and reviewing good Tera leveling guide out there.
There are so many Tera leveling guide available on the Internet. How do you know if it’s a good one or not? I mainly look at features and usually buy the ones that have money back guarantee. Finally, I keep one that I like and just ask for a refund if I don’t. As simple as that.
Since I anyways buy all the guides, I also decided to put up a review and comparison for the top and best Tera Leveling guide.
So which Tera leveling guide is the best?
Well the answer right now is none. Since there aren’t any available out there yet. But keep an eye on this blog post – I will be soon updating it with a review of a guide that will help you to level up fastest!