Saturday, March 20, 2010

Tera Focus Group Test FAQ

FGT is an acronym for Focus Test Group. This is a pre-beta phase in which Bluehole has sent invites out to random people — much like an open beta. FGT participants do not test content like a normal beta tester, though, but rather give their opinions on the already-developed content through surveys and questionnaires.

In order to participate on FGT, you must be 18+ years old so you can legal sign a contract known as NDA (A non-disclosure agreement) or confidential disclosure agreement (CDA).Being a FGT participant prevents you to share sensitive and/or game and gameplay info. Yesterday, the TERA team took to the official forums to answer some questions about how the upcoming FGT2 will work.

Within the Q&A, En Masse has affirmed that the FGT is not meant to be a traditional beta test for reporting bug fixes, but more a study on what players think of certain aspects of the game. The game will only be available for play at certain hours of the day and will not be up 24-7 during FGT2, though it will last around a week.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

TERA Third Closed Beta Screenshots

TERA, a MMORPG developed by Bluehole Studio, which was founded by the former development team of Lineage 3, and operated by NHN, the largest game producer in South Korea is now undergoing the third closed beta test in South Korea. Recently, a Korean player nicknamed “zenyceny” has shared some awesome screenshots generated in this test period through his blog on, allowing those unable to join the test to enjoy the surprises brought by TERA’s gorgeous graphics.

TERA’s third closed beta test will last till March 7, 2010. The 10-day test will unveil 11 new hunting grounds including West Lumbering Field, Crazy Mound, Pirate Nest and Moon Lake, and 3 mid-level maps like Abandoned Valley. New characters such as the male Castanic and female Human will be made available for players. Besides, TERA players can also expect various new skills and optimized game interfaces. The US version of TERA is scheduled to start its closed beta test in the second half of this year.