Sunday, June 19, 2011

Tera: Frogster = Nazi? Censorship on official forums

I’ve been reading the TERA European Forums for quite a while, but recently I’ve seen many posts and even whole threads being deleted or closed.

Most of the points contained somewhat critical attitude towards TERA, questioning it’s success or pointing out huge weaknesses. What is Frogster trying to hide here? I really started to feel like the Nazi regime was reborn again and everything that doesn’t doesn’t praise TERA and Frogster gets either closed and deleted.

What do you think? Do you have similar experiences? If so, let others know in the comments.


  1. I'm pretty sure that Tera is going to go the way of Final Fantasy XIV. Sad to say it, but it's true.

    And people know it and are trying to hide it.

  2. comparing frogster to the nazi-regime disqualifies you from any further discussions here.
    youre just another internet-attention-whore.

  3. Hello,

    I posted your other blog post about the delay of the release date on the official forums, asking for an official statement.

    And the thread got closed down and censored heavily by this "Yurian Nazi" at EME Forums down there, instead of just confirming if it's true that it comes this year or if it's really delayed to next year.

    Something really smellt there. Seems you hit the nail on the head with your post about the delay, as EME proved with their actions, that it won't come up this year

  4. En-Masse and Frogster are doing the same thing. Frogster has a reputation of not being the best of companies. En-Masse is a newbie.

    As much as I like TERA I don't like the publishers who got their hands upon the game and distorted the content.

    It's game-gutting plain and simple

  5. En-Masse won't even consider giving it's players good armor after they censored and trashed the race. Elin was hidden and it was only after the censoring was done that players will able to see it.

    En-Masse has been heavily censoring the forums until recently. They still lock polls and ignore all the elin threads together now reducing them to two threads.

    Brian Knoxxx was the right person to use to destroy TERA for it's NA release. Way to go Blue-Hole for publishing under companies with such poor decisions and intolerance for its own games for Blue Hole Studio.

  6. Not all of us are Nazis, you swine. Just because we ban anyone that complains does not make us fascist.

  7. That's exactly what the Nazis did with everyone who questioned them or did not share their political views. So the comparison fits pretty well.

    If you don't want be compared to the Nazis and other fascist systems, then stop censoring and accept critics and try to improve it, instead of trying to cover it up.
